How to protect yourself from exposure?

The longer I live outside the city, the less often I want to go there. For her 36 years of life in the capital of Latvia, Riga, as far as I can remember, I always dreamed of living in a house in nature. In Cyprus, although we rented a house in one of the most popular and beautiful places, it was still «urban type» life. The seed around the house was tiny, and our attempts to grow something there were unsuccessful.

In the village where we live, everything is rustic. And now the difference and pressure of the city is especially felt. We, as multidimensional beings, have subtle bodies and an aura that goes beyond our body from 1 meter or more. Living in apartments and being in a crowd of people, the aura constantly «rubs» about neighbors.

Unfortunately, "urban life creates stressful conditions that can lead to various physical and mental illnesses," — approved by researchers from Psychological science. Most people have an aura in poor condition, which entails the deflection of other people's energies, thought forms and entities, especially in cities.

How to protect yourself

Volatile energy-bearing compounds of essential oils, penetrating the human aura, eliminate its starvation, immune deficiency, contribute to wound healing, redistribution and harmonization of energy, lightening and compaction of electromagnetic fields.

  1. Lavender — harmonizes and cleanses the aura.
  2. Lemon — cleans the negative and gives vigor..
  3. Pepperint — stimulates and refreshes energy.
  4. Tea tree — cleans the aura at all levels.
  5. Frankinscence — expands and exalts consciousness.
  6. On Guard bland — protects against negative influences and vampires.
  7. Wild Orange — fills the aura with joy and freshness.
  8. Cedarwood — protects against negative influences.
  9. Geranium — restores harmony and balance.
  10. Pachuli — strengthens and grounds the energy sector. Cash oil.
  11. Rose — opens the heart chakra.
  12. Mirra — restores the integrity of the aura..
  13. Clary Sage — strengthens the aura and vitality. Reveals intuition.

The first 6 oils are included in my favorite Doterra Family Essential Kit, and you can purchase it with a 25% discount using the special link in our Aromaclub. Link https://linktree/ee/selfhealing_path

Pluses of life in nature in terms of esoterics:

  1. Restoring the energy balance: Nature offers clean and highly vibrating energy, which contributes to the restoration and harmonization of our energy field. According to Greg Braden, "nature is a healing source that can significantly improve our well-being and spirit."

  2. Communication with the Earth: Living outdoors helps us re-establish contact with the Earth and our roots. This is an important aspect that helps us understand ourselves at a deep level. Don Miguel Ruiz emphasizes: "When we are in harmony with nature, we become more conscious and can better hear the inner voice."

  3. Reducing stress and negative energy: Nature is able to absorb the negative energies and stress that we accumulate in the urban environment. Studies show that outdoor stay helps to reduce the level of cortisol (stress hormone) in the body. As writes Harvard Health Publishing, "nature can be a powerful way to reduce stress and increase overall health."

  4. Access to intuitive knowledge: "In the silence of the forest or on the seashore, you can hear clues from higher forces and your higher «I»."

  5. Cleansing negative energies: Staying in nature helps to clear the aura of the negative effects that we face in everyday life. The energy of nature contributes to healing and restoration.

The conclusion is simple: live in nature and use essential oils, if you live in a city, then more often go out into the countryside and use oils in a mandatory manner.