Increase your income with the EFT energy technology!

How much extra money do you think you could earn NOW if you finally learned to control your thoughts, emotions and vibrations?

Imagine that you have the opportunity to change your financial reality. I invite you to my workshop «Creating income with the help of energy technique EFT (tapping)», which will help you open new horizons and achieve financial well-being.

how does it work?

The EFT (emotional freedom) method is based on a combination of ancient acupuncture and modern psychotherapeutic approaches. Tapping certain points on the body helps to balance energy and release negative emotions that can block your financial flow. When you click on the acoustic dots and voice your fears and your experiences, you send relaxing signals to your brain, actually calming it down. It helps change your perception of money and financial situations.

With this technique you can:

✔️ Get rid of the anxiety associated with loans.

✔️ Overcome confusion in financial documents.

✔️ Free yourself from knots in your stomach when you think about spending.

By becoming more calm and balanced, you will open up to new ideas, solutions and even unexpected luck!

Essential oils and fragrances

Essential oils will be an important part of our master class. These natural extracts have unique properties that can enhance your creative energy and contribute to the attraction of money and abundance.

How does it work?

Essential oils affect the limbic system - the area of the brain responsible for emotions and memory. Their fragrances can instantly improve your mood, boost confidence and even help change your attitudes about money.

You will learn which aromas are best suited to enhance your vibration and improve your relationship with money. These oils can become powerful allies on your path to financial success.

In the workshop You will learn:

  • How to overcome the overload: Learn to find clarity in chaos and regain control to make decisions with confidence.
  • Big money permission: Free yourself from the fear that you have to work hard to get large sums of money. Learn to believe that you are worthy of financial success!
  • Overcome negative attitudes towards customer engagement: Get rid of the belief that customers are hard to come by and open up a stream of new opportunities.
  • Choosing the Essential Oils: Find out which essential oils can help you achieve new results and boost your energy even if you don’t have any oils at hand in the workshop.

Income creation is a workshop that will provide you with tools to enhance your vibration and change your life for the better. No matter where you start, you can quickly change your state and begin to attract the desired!

Why should I take this workshop?

Your money stories are shaped by subconscious beliefs and emotions that can hold you back from financial well-being. But with the right steps and relearning the brain, creating new relationships with money will not be a gift, but a skill available to everyone!

You will receive a master class record to which you can return again and again, reinforcing your positive results.

Cost: only $17. Duration: 90 minutes.

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Don’t miss the chance to change your life! Register now and start your journey to financial freedom and abundance!